Ran across an interesting quote today that I’m still digesting. What do you have to say? “Perhaps it is in this awareness of the ‘needs of the other’ that we, as an increasingly crabby church, can reconnect with the Jesus of the Whole Gospel, our Savior and lover of our souls; forgetting our own petty…
Tag: church
Why Church Marketing is Important
Because it’s not only about what you want to say, but about what you may be unintentionally be saying. Make sure you send some love to whoever at your church works hard behind the scenes to make sure that you’re communicating clearly!
Reflections from Staff Retreat
This past week we had a day-long staff retreat. It was an incredible time of just continuing to get to know the staff I serve with, but also an extremely inspiring and spiritually energizing day. I thought that I’d share my notes from one of the sessions we had. Session: The Five Greatest Leadership Challenges…
Make fun of yourself…
Because it’s healthy to be able to laugh at yourself, I laughed at this video: [vimeo 11501569] HT: edsetzer.com
“Not so Famous” quotes
“You can’t be late and expect to get taco bell!” When I was about 15 years old I got shoved into the position of leading worship for my church’s youth group by (at that time) the “new” youth pastor. I learned a lot of things about ministry and leadership at that time, but one of…
“How’s your church doing?”
When I hear this question, I know what’s being asked. How many people showed up on Sunday? What is the giving like? What percentage of your congregation is serving at the church? What kind of “Big Days” did you pull off? As of recently, I’ve been wanting to answer that question like this: “Well, the…
Book Review: Missional Renaissance
“Missional” is just another spin at Christian-ese. A new generation of ultra-hip, establishment-abortionists with their mac computers and iPhones has come up with a new “catch-phrase” to label their definition of what they think church should be. Why “missional?” Can’t we just say we are biblical? This is what I used to think when I…
Missional huh?
Today I got my copy of Reggie McNeal’s Missional Renaissance: Changing the scorecard for the church. To be honest, I don’t really know with this book is about. As a new member of the staff at Maple Grove Evangelical Free Church I know that this was a book that I was encouraged to read, since…