Change doesn’t care…
- if you don’t like it
- if you are not ready for it
- if it goes against everything you’ve been taught to believe
- if it defies everything you’ve experienced
Don’t believe me? Take a look at this article about the speed of light.
Speed of light broken by scientists
As you’ll see in one of the comments, it was said by Einstein himself,
“There are two things that are infinite, the size of the universe and the stupidity of man, and I am not sure of the former.”
Life is full of changes – or as I like to say, “Modified decisions/situations based on new information.” Or maybe it’s not “change” per se. Maybe it’s having your paradigm challenged. Maybe it’s being confronted with the reality the that life you lived is not the life you are living now.
I’m not trying to convince you to be comfortable with change or to completely buy in that living a life with a culture of continual change is a thing that all people need to do. What I am saying is that change is inevitable and if we spend more time navigating through change effectively instead of being paralyzed by it then we would be better for it.
How have you navigated change effectively?
How have you allowed change to negatively affect you?
James 4:14, Matthew 6:27