I have written many posts on the subject of leadership and vision. It seems at this particular point in my life that I am finding myself with more books on the subject of vision more than any time before.
I have enjoyed other books on vision like Church Unique and Visioneering – and The Power of Vision: Discover and Apply God’s Vision for Your Life & Ministry by George Barna does not disappoint.
As I usually do in my “book reviews” – which are more like book teasers than an actual review – here are just a few things that stuck out to me in reading this book.
- Vision is NEVER about maintaining the status quo
- The future belongs to visionary pastors because they will define the future. It is the power of God working through churches led by visionaries that causes that image of the future to become reality
- All leaders are visionaries, but all pastors are not leaders
- A visionary leader is a change agent
- Myth 1: Vision should be the result of a consensus among the church’s key leaders regarding future activity by the church. Reality: Vision is not the result of consensus; it should result in consensus.
- The visionary leader is one who is a change anent. In the process of pushing the church forward, the leader insists on aggressive effort; remaining stationary is tantamount to losing ground. Without risk, no progress can be made
- A crisis is simply a turning point at which your ability to lead is tested.
- “One of the chief lessons for me was discovering the difference between doing what people expect a pastor to do and doing what God has called me to do”
- A ministry that aims for something other than change invites euthanasia
- A vision from God goes beyond the simple recognition that change is healthy; it celebrates the ability and opportunity to change
- In the end, you are the only person who can limit your ability to dream big with God
There is soooooo much more than this book entails that I just can’t write here with good conscience because it would be on the verge of breaking copywriter licenses 😉
If you are a pastor you MUST have this book as part of your library.